Building upon previous efforts with the one-off for the first game, which can be found on my Flickr account here, I was able to extend the original publication of 12 pages (four in colour) to a full-colour 16-page offering that will act as an outer shell to the rest of the piece, which will be black and white-printed eight-page pull-outs. There is a slightly larger emphasis on sponsorship but in terms of percentage of product, it's much lower than that of its predecessor. It also acts as a cover for both the Morris County Colonials and the Millburn Magic, with boosted roster information.

Furthermore, it has a much greater focus on team colours, which are used on the relevant pages while a neutral black colour scheme is used for the rest in order to emphasise the branding of both squads, particularly through the use of relevant fonts (Old English and Playbill).
Click here for the rest of the offering.